50 - garden-astro - Add image & link support
Normal Image looks like this in Obsidian, it’s a markdown image link.
^ If you see the images above rendered correctly, the Remark plugin is working.
It is an absolute path from the root folder, so to make it render on Astro I have to copy the image to Astro, and also modify the resulting link to /public/path-to-image
, I plan to create a Remark plugin to modify the image & href links.
The plugin itself is a tree traversal function that recursively visit each node and modify the url of images like so
function prependImageSrcPlugin() {
return (tree) => {
function visit(node) {
if (node.type === "image" && node.url) {
node.url = `/images/${node.url}`
if (node.children) {
export default defineConfig({
markdown: {
remarkPlugins: [prependImageSrcPlugin],
Then add the script to copy the images from Obsidian to Astro build step, by extracting image path of each markdown file, and copy to /public/images/
export const extractImageSources = (filePath) => {
const markdown = fs.readFileSync(filePath, "utf-8")
const imageSources = []
const processor = remark().use(() => (tree) => {
visit(tree, "image", (node) => {
// Decode URI since the url can have spaces or other symbols `%20`
const imageUrl = decodeURI(node.url)
return imageSources
// Usage
const imageSources = extractImageSources(filePath)
imageSources.forEach((imageSource) => {
const srcPath = `/your/obsidian/path/${imageSource}`
const destinationPath = `./public/images/${imageSource}`
const destinationDir = path.dirname(destinationPath)
// Create the destination directory if it doesn't exist
if (!fs.existsSync(destinationDir)) {
fs.mkdirSync(destinationDir, { recursive: true })
copyFileSync(srcPath, destinationPath)
console.log("Copied", srcPath, "to", destinationPath)